The Hype Magazine Interviews Moxie
Tell me your whole inception into music — When did you first become interested in it? And, how did it all begin for Moxie Raia?
Neither of my parents are musicians, but they’re heavy into music; mostly Motown and soul. Since I can remember, they’d have friends over all the time and just blast it all night, dancing and singing. We moved into a new house when I was about 11-years-old, and, by chance, the people who lived there before us left an old piano behind. That was the year I really started writing songs.
Now where exactly do you hail from? So having said that, growing up who were/are some of your biggest influences?
I was born in a small town in New Jersey, but at 13 I moved to New York City with my older sister to go to performing arts school. Growing up, I really listened to what was playing in my house…The Temptations, Stevie Wonder, Al Green, Marvin Gaye (and) the Four Tops. I was also obsessed with Michael Jackson, who continues to inspire me, along with Lauryn (Hill), Kanye (West), Coldplay (and) James Blake.
At what point in time did you actually opt to pursue music on a professional level?
Since I could sing a note. There has never been another thing I’ve loved so much.
How would you describe and/or define the style of music that you create and perform?
I’m still working on a perfect answer for this. All I know is that I like fucking huge drums, classic melodies and raw, honest lyrics. And, harmonies…Lots of harmonies.
Now what exactly is The Brain House? And, who all specifically rounds out the collective?
My best-friend and co-manager and writing partner, Freddy Wexler, started a company called The Brain, and signed a bunch of writers and producers and artists a few years ago. We were all from different places, but decided to move to L.A. and move in together; me and 6 guys. The house became this sort of creative commune and family…I’ve made most of my album and mix-tape with the boys.
What particular string of events led to your current signing to Capitol Records?
I was living and making music at the house, and I finally felt like I had something. Freddy played it for a few people, and I pretty much immediately hit it off with Capitol Records. Tim and Danny, and the whole crew over there, respected our creativity and empowered us to make the record that we imagined. It’s a pretty unique situation…I feel very blessed.
Let’s hop right into this forthcoming solo debut of yours — Has it even been titled yet? And if so, conceptually what does the name of your premiere studio album represent both to and for you?
The album is called RECKLESS PASSIONATE YOUTH. The name is so layered for me; on the surface, it just kind of describes where I’m at right now, but each word has a deeper meaning…You’ll find out more when you hear the album. It’s really about being free and exploring yourself and making mistakes; growing up as a passionate person.
The set’s lead offering is “Buffalo Bill,” which is super dope might I add 🙂 …Tell me about this track in particular? And, how exactly did the song come to fruition?
The song really came as an answer to my situation living at The Brain House. We would have these crazy art parties — most of my friends are artists in some medium — (with) writers, painters, poets, musicians. The creative energy of these nights was so strong and powerful, that you could get high off it. We would always joke about it, so “Buffalo Bill” became our name for the perfect high.
Longevity, what do you feel will be the ultimate key to yours? And also, what do you feel it is that will continue to sustain you in this grueling business of music?
I feel like the key to my longevity is just to be real. I won’t sing songs that don’t make me feel something strong, and I never will. I also hold myself to a really high standard that I don’t know I’ll ever reach, but I do know reaching for it will keep me on the right path.
Do you have any other outside/additional future aspirations, maybe even completely away from music?
It’s an easy answer unless you’re dead serious: I want to change the world! It sounds crazy, but I know I can help, even in a small way, through music. I have intention with everything I do, and I’m determined to help people find their own light and passion. Creativity has opened my mind in so many ways, and I just want to spread that information.
To date, what has been your biggest career highlight?
Working with Wyclef (Jean)!
Looking ahead, say five or even ten years from now, where do you see yourself?
Halfway through a world tour and planning the next.
As for the immediate, what’s next for Moxie?
A surprise performance at Coachella…
Any “message(s)” for our readers?
I wanna talk to you guys! Hit me on Twitter or InstaGram or whatever else is invented soon: @yomoxie, and I’ll hit you back!
Interviewed By: Hype Staff