Operation Festival Season
Festival Season is in FULL bloom! I am super excited and I know you are too. Last year there was nothing that could have prepared me for all of the walking, standing, hand holding, sweating and the lack of breathe. If I would have known that I wasn’t going to be able to get right back to the hotel every time I felt tired, thirsty, my feet got sore or I was sweating and short of breathe….well let’s just say I would have been a lot more prepared. Don’t get me wrong, if I could make it to every single festival I would. They are AWESOME! I love to hear the music, collect all the FREE stuff and let’s just face it…I buy all kinds of things as well, hoping that I don’t hit the 50lb weight mark at the airport. I know you go through these same things. So, let’s tackle this mission together. I call it…”Operation Festival Season.” Let’s begin….
1. Hygiene: It’s obvious that we ALL must take showers first but these simple and compactable products will keep you smelling fresh while out and about.
Good Wipes
You may think your Baby Wipes do the trick, but we aren’t babies anymore. These are thicker and smell great. They even come individually wrapped so they are more compact and discrete. They also have them for you private areas and they are way better than powdering the pooch.
Travel Size Deodorant
Arm & Hammer is my go to because it is stronger than the clinical stuff, in my opinion. Travel size leaves more room for your other necessities.
Roll On Perfume Oil
Ayurvedic Delights are all natural and have a variety too chose from. Be sure not to get the ones with a floral smell. You want to smell good while meeting new people, but I’m sure you don’t want to meet the bugs as well. You ask, why not body mist or perfume? Everyone doesn’t want to smell like you at the festival. I damn sure don’t want to taste it either. STOP bringing this stuff people….it’s rude. Roll on is proper educate. Get some!
Colgate Wisp
Don’t not brush your teeth before you leave for the festival, but do know that you will eat some of those good old food truck fiddles. And, I don’t want to be the person speaking to you and have to tell you there’s something stuck in your teeth.
Altoid minis
Mints handle your breath but these are the strongest on the market right now. The small container is easy enough to pack and tiny enough to eat your mints in piece without everyone asking for one. They’re minis, you need two. And besides, I have the only child syndrome. Buy your own!
2. Sun Fighter: If you follow me, you know the sun is not my best friend. I know that many of us feel the same way whether or not you have any kinds of sun disease, allergies, etc. Here’s how you beat it.
Travel Size Sunscreen
I don’t have a particular brand that I love. I do however go for the strongest SPF.
Nectar Sungasses
In case you didn’t get the memo, the sun can be a little annoying while trying to look at your favorite artist on stage. Besides that, sunglasses make you look cool. If you wear glasses, DON’T. It’s a festival, contact lenses and shades are the only exception. This spring, polarized lenses are IN. Yes honey, yes….for ALL ages. So these are PERFECT!
Sun Visor Hat
This style is as trendy as they come. I absolutely love the futuristic look and at a festival you will surely fit right in with the rest of the “Expressives”.
3. Survival: Seriously these are some great things to have but if you need a medic…go get one immediately.
If you are in the midst of a huge crowd and in need of some extra oxygen, start here. If you seriously need some oxygen, well common sense is what you will need to get a medic. This is handy because it not only tastes good but if its smokey and you can’t get away right away, you have some fresh air. Just call it a safe, healthy energy boost.
Bugables Mosquito Repellent Bands
It’s always you against the bugs out there. Instead of spraying yourself and being really sticky, this will help fight off the blood suckers.
4. The Turn Up: The turn up gets REAL at these events. It’s not like you are clocking in at that very moment… or maybe you are but the whole time it isn’t work. So have a drink or few.
Pinnacle Vodka
My go to is Vodka! Let me give you a little insight on some awesome mixes from our friends over at Pinnacle Vodka. There is something here for every Vodka drinking ADULT. If you are under 21, just grab your go to energy drink and LOTS of H2O.
The Flower Crown
1 part Pinnacle® Pineapple Vodka
1 part Club Soda
1 park Pink Lemonade
Mix, serve in glasses with rainbow ice cubes.
Pinnacle Main Stage
1 part Pinnacle® Original Vodka
1 part Lemonade
Muddled Raspberries
Shake with ice. Serve in a martini glass. Garnish with raspberries and lemon.
Sweet Spring Sunset
1 Part Pinnacle® Cucumber Vodka
1 Part Sour Mix
Splash Cranberry Juice
Pour all ingredients over ice stir in a highball glass garnished with a Lemon Wedge or Cherry.
Written By: Daja Marie