
Published on September 29th, 2020 | by MJ


Alexis Lynn Talks New Pop Declaration “Bubble”

Recognized as a Top 100 artist in the 2020 CBC Searchlight Contest, Canadian pop singer, Alexis Lynn, has a lot more to say than the average twenty-something. With the release of her current single, “Bubble”, Alexis displays a maturity beyond her years and owns her power to say what’s on her mind.

Bubble” is a declaration of surrender towards love. It’s about the fear, and also exhilaration, of letting someone into your world. Her songs tell her story of where it all began and where she is today: strong, confident, self aware, and ready to come into her own.

Listen to the newest single ‘Bubble’ below and check out our interview!

What makes ‘Bubble’ different from your past work?

I think the overall sound is a little different from what I’ve previously released. It’s definitely still my sound, and still me, but the soft, dreamy, vibe is something I don’t think I’ve explored before!

Can you describe the concept behind the track?

“Bubble” is a declaration of surrender towards love. It’s about being a closed in, protective person and finally deciding to let someone in. The feeling of fear and exhilaration that come when inviting someone into your world can be a challenge for introverted people like myself, because you’re afraid they might just pull the rug out from under you now that they have the control. However, we also thought about it in the sense of being in the honeymoon phase of a new relationship where you’re in your little “bubble” because everything is so good! It’s hoping that the relationship and the person are as good as they seem inside the bubble and them getting to really know you doesn’t ruin that. As for the track, we wanted it to be super floaty and dreamlike, which I think Lindgren nailed. It kind of has Ashanti vibes to me!

How would you describe your artistic evolution throughout your career?

I’ve definitely grown as an artist these past few years. I mean, I’ve been making and releasing music while going through my late teenage/early adult years, so as you can imagine, a lot of change happens in that time! I feel like I’ve been finding who I really am as an artist and what I want to say that is authentic to me and not just what everyone else is doing. I’ve definitely grown as a songwriter and a vocalist as well. I’ve written with some incredible and established writers, so when you’re thrown into a room with so much talent, you have no choice really but to grow and rise up to the challenge!

What’s been the biggest change in your life over the past year?

I think two things that really changed for me are how busy I am now and also how self sufficient I’ve become. I’ve been working these past few years at writing and releasing music and performing, and things feel like they’ve been building and picking up, so I’m much busier now than I was a couple of years ago – which is a great thing! I’ve also learned to be more self sufficient in a multitude of ways. I think COVID really challenged me in that, as I’m sure it has challenged many people, but when you’re stuck at home by yourself, I really had to decide whether I wanted to wait to see if I could get other people to do certain things for me, or just learn myself! Hence, a merch line was born and just released!

What song by another artist do you wish you had written?

Ooh, that’s a good question. There are so many, but Don’t Forget About Us by Mariah Carey is a bop. God Is A Woman by Ariana Grande is so ingenious to me, so also that.

And finally, where can readers keep up with what you are doing?

I’m mostly on Instagram, but all my handles are @alexislynnmusic on all social media! Also my website, .

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