Dark America: Black Lives Matter UNITY equals SAFETY (series)
Currently, everyone is talking about the difficult social climate here in America. Police murdering Black Americans is nothing new but with the Digital Revolution, we are now seeing these murders take place live and direct. No longer is it just an outcry with no hard evidence as in the past which sparked Hip-Hop commentary from the likes of Chuck D, KRS One or NWA and now includes pop culture artists like Pink with her #istandblack movement.
Times were that Blacks and Latinos who suffered these types of atrocities went unheard or their cries unheeded because it was JUST US talking about it. Not so anymore.
More than DISCUSSING the problem with no results, there are those who are actively and aggressively saying NO MORE, for example: On Monday via a WNBC live in-studio newscast, a panel of NYC Police Officers, all minorities, exposed the policy by NYPD of mandatory stops for Blacks and Latinos aged 14-21. These officers explained that they DO have arrest quotas, with one Latino officer exclaiming, “There’s nothing worse than an officer who needs an arrest at the end of the month.” It would be safe to say; these minority officers could very well end up on a hit list of some sort…worse, they could respond to a legitimate call and NOT GET THE BACK UP THEY NEED!
No longer remaining aloof from the situation, The Hype Magazine steps out of the neutral ground with a new series of Dark America articles continuously exposing the underbelly of our legal system but also discussion of #solutions.
In part one of many (God know how many we’ll need), I uncover my past as a combat soldier and share the betrayal I feel as a patriot and loyal American, who went to foreign countries to wreak havoc on those guilty of human rights violations. Only to return and watch my people become targets for para-military gang members called the police.
It’s ok to entertain, but The Hype Magazine Dark America series is meant to educate, inform and ignite the #UnityEqualsSafety initiative. We MUST support ourselves as an oppressed segment of the country…Unity Equals Safety. It’s not about Black and White because there are no truly pure Black or White people here; there’s always been a snake in the woodpile, and we see that in our various skin tones.
I hope this piece makes you very uncomfortable no matter what race or segment of the community you are from. Humans don’t enjoy being uncomfortable and will go to any lengths to ease that discomfort…
What are YOU going to do? How are YOU going to make it better? Let me know and I’m with you. All Lives Matter will be relevant when Black Lives Matter, Latino Lives Matter, Poor People’s Lives Matter… ~ JD