Former Knicks’ Great Anthony Mason Wanted To Use His Struggles With Finances & Educate Others
Former Knick great, Anthony Mason would have been 51 years old yesterday (December 14, 2018). Mason passed away on February 28, 2015, due to Congestive heart failure. A couple of years before his death he sat down with Brandon Scoop B Robinson. During the interview, Mason shared some financial advice trying to help steer other from going through the hardship he went through.
NY Knicks legend, Anthony Mason would have been 51 yesterday! We didn’t agree on everything, but BOY do I miss @masondareal14! He was funny interviews too!
As a kid, I remember him giving me his # & in school telling classmates: I’m gonna call Ma$e & he’s gonna kick your @$$
— Brandon Robinson (@ScoopB) December 15, 2018
Throughout his 13-year career, Mason accumulated more than $40 million, but according to an Oct. 29, 2009, report on He owed more than $1.8 million in state and federal taxes in Wisconsin. Mason would set up a payment plan to start paying back the money that was owed. As of July 15, 2013, according to the Wisconsin Department of Revenue, he owed $771,559.57.
“I’ve lost a lot of money for different reasons,” Mason said. “I wanted to jump on this investment and that investment.”
Mason decided to use his experience to help educate others and 2011, Mason became a life insurance marketing specialist with the Hotaling Group. It is an independent insurance firm located in Manhattan. Mason’s division at the time helped provide coverage to several high-level prospects protect their future earnings as professional athletes.
“I took care of everybody around me, which is probably the ultimate thing that happens to all of us — we don’t always want to say no,” he said.
The full interview between Mason and Robinson can be seen here.