Mysterious Los Angeles Artist Ming Has Arrived With ‘My Self’
With experimental visuals and innovative sounds, the self-love anthem “My Self” starts as a gentle ballad with just vocals and piano. At 1:10, the track begins to kick into gear with the piano hits become sharper and a finger-snapped beat added. By the time the second chorus hits about 1:35 in, the vocals are straining and distorted and effervescent synths have been added completing the track’s full transformation.This transition almost mirrors the path of it’s creator, newcomer musician Ming.
With her poetic soulful, lyrics, angelic voice and the artistic, avant-garde and mysterious side of her she slowly reveals, Ming is positioning herself as the next creative genius the world has been waiting for.
“Stinky Feet” Album – 09/27/19
Songwriters: Ming / Ben Cohen Produced by: Ben Cohen