Rhyme Report

Published on November 19th, 2020 | by Jones


Micah Edwards Releases Pop-R&B Holiday Single “December 26”

Retro-pop singer-songwriter Micah Edwards has released his sweet and festive holiday single “December 26”. A dynamic and soulful track, “December 26” channels the vibes of Leon Bridges and John Mayer – yet establishes Micah Edwards in his own quintessential style as well. A truly “feel-good” tune set to begin your holiday season in the most uplifting way, “December 26” is by far one of the grooviest Christmas tracks we’ve heard in a long while.

A fitting holiday song for 2020, “December 26” hones in on that day-after-Christmas feeling and finding a way to carry on the festive cheer once the big holiday has passed. Edwards says that he noticed how people tend to get stressed out in December; whether it be from overspending on gifts, office work parties, or just an overload of social events. “December 26” is all about cutting out the superfluous customs that really add on a lot of unneeded stress during the holidays. “I urge my listeners to get back to basics, remember what’s important, and relax this December,” says Edwards. “Needless to say, this has been a stressful year for all of us, and the last thing we need is a stressful Christmas.”

“December 26” is a song that, as a songwriter, is lyrically close to his heart. “Not only is it my Christmas mantra embodied in the song, but the creative production also had tons of Christmas spirit,” says Edwards. “It was really an all-hands-on-deck approach with my favorite musicians, creatives, and friends from Houston.” The singer aims to blend modern techniques with classic sounds in the music he creates – often infusing nostalgic elements into modern sounds and melding pop and blues with retro-soul and contemporary R&B. Having gained nearly 80k monthly listeners on Spotify, and editorial support from Spotify’s Nu-Blue, Summer Party, Fresh Finds, and Fresh Finds: Pop playlists, the Houston native is generating plenty of buzz and rapidly building a loyal fanbase. “December 26” is bound to be a holiday hit for listeners old and young, with catchy lyrics and Edwards’ stunningly smooth vocals in what is becoming his quintessential retro genre blend.

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