Meet Johnathan -Rock Billion Dollar Kid
Every since he could walk and talk, he knew that he was born to do music. Rock started rapping at age six. He figured out his passion and calling in life at this very young age. Rock has always been a natural encourager and motivator. So he decided to use his motivation in music and take it to another level. His passion would become more ignited through words of his pastor and other ministers in his church. What sets Rock apart from the rest is the reason and purpose in which he chose and still chooses to do music. “I want to use music to inspire my generation” he says. “Every time they hear my voice I want them to be inspired!!” Rock was Influenced by all genres of music!! “ I love all music, ” he says. “I was influenced mostly by old school music…. The era where music had substance and purpose to it”.
Rock loves to perform his music with live bands. He spent the greater part of 2010 performing with “The Truth”, a 4-piece live band from Atlanta that plays jazz, R & B, hip hop and more. I’ll leave you with one of Rock’s favorite sayings “When it comes to accomplishing your dreams,” Work like it all depends on you, but Pray like it all depends on God.”