What is Hip Hop? (Quick Read)
“Brands and politicians, and their advertisers and publicists, dictate discourse in our society, but no matter how much time and money Corporate America invests in co-opting our creation, we’ll always be a hundred steps and twenty styles ahead.” — AWKWORD, Hype Magazine writer
WhatIsHipHop.com asked, and I answered. Read. Send hate.

Tags: Advertising, African American culture, AWKWORD, Black culture, branding, commercialization of Hip Hop, Corporate America, cultural appropriation, elements of Hip Hop, Hip Hop, Hip Hop culture, Hip hop music, hiphop, HipHopEd, international Hip Hop, Killer Mike, marketing, Music, New Slaves, Oscars, political Hip Hop, Protest Music, racism in the United States, Rakim, Rap, Sprite, urban culture, what is Hip Hop, White America
About the Author
AWKWORD @AWKWORDrap | Global Hip Hop Ambassador | Rapper, Songwriter, Executive Producer | Activist | Journalist | Influencer | #ProtestMusic #WorldView #HipHopEd