
Published on January 30th, 2018 | by Jason Bourne


Jordan Brand to release white / cement ‘Jordan 3s’ to celebrate 1987 free throw jump by MJ

This years Slam Dunk competition at All Star Weekend 2018 will take place in Los Angeles, and marks the 30th anniversary of Michael Jordan’s free throw line jump. Not the first of its’ kind MJs dunk is iconic the flare and flavor that it presented. Changing the style of play in the NBA forever none are comparable to MJs impact. From his tongue out moves, to the soaring eagle approach to his highlight reels MJ is the King, undeniably. You can celebrate as well with purchase of the Jordan 3 white/cement edition which features a translucent sole and a rep stripe indicating your piece of history as that is the exact point where MJ took off from the free throw line. The ‘147’ on the shoe indicates his final round score for the 1988 slam dunk competition.  Release details forthcoming.


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About the Author

Jason Bourne...amazing person and journalist...RIP and you'll always have a home with The Hype Magazine and in our hearts!We miss you my brotha! - Dr. Jerry Doby, Editor-in-Chief.

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