Rhyme Report

Published on April 9th, 2020 | by Jones


Mighty Brother’s Timely Music Video: “Naked Winter”

These days our lives can feel consumed by news and screens. Endlessly scrolling to sift through a plethora of negative information all day. Mighty Brother’s new music video for “Naked Winter” captures the despair that weighs on us from uncontrollable forces such as the media. This band’s genre-bending style keeps the ear in suspense while our hunger for fresh sound remains satisfied throughout the song.

The song and video’s gentle start allows the viewer to first process the situation at hand. As we watch the band members sit captive in a dark room, we realize the hostage-taker isn’t a person, but rather television screens. Naked Winter cleverly depicts the stress and constraints of being trapped by neverending media in today’s world. The band finally smashes the television with a hammer, which is what we all truly have the urge to do at the moment. Overall, Might Brother’s video for “Naked Winter” is a piece of art that can and should be infinitely analyzed for its truth about our current society. 

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