Let's hop right into this brand new single and video of yo..." /> Sy Ari Da Kid: Streets Approved The Hype Magazine: Unveiling the Pulse of Urban Culture - From Hip Hop to Hollywood! Explore a Diverse Tapestry of Stories, Interviews, and Impactful Editorials Spanning Fashion, Gaming, Movies, MMA, EDM, Rock, and Beyond! www.thehypemagazine.com - The Hype Magazine The Hype Magazine - News From Hip Hop To Hollywood!


Published on August 15th, 2014 | by Jameelah "Just Jay" Wilkerson


Sy Ari Da Kid: Streets Approved

Let’s hop right into this brand new single and video of yours; “Publik Trust”…Tell me about this track in particular — How did it actually come to fruition?

“Publik Trust” happens to be one of the clothing brands I really like and believe in. They have supported me and vice versa. We had a sit down about future moves together and it made sense. I gotta beat from one of my producers, “BuddahSPK,” and the rest was history…Wrapped the video up gave it to the publik!

Of course “Publik Trust” comes courtesy of your just released mix-tape offering; TheSyariMix — Conceptually, what does that title represent both to and for you?

TheSyariMix is basically me remixing all of the latest hot songs. And, one old school song! I did that whole mix-tape literally in 4 days.

How does TheSyariMix either differ and/or compare to previous Sy Ari Da Kid efforts?

This was a mix-tape I wanted to give to the people, once again proving that I’m the best! Also, I have really been pushing my single hard, so I wanted to entertain my listeners real quick.

Reflecting, how did you first discover your musical talent?

Middle school, my dad had a cheap keyboard my brother would make beats on, and we would freestyle. I took it from there. My family doesn’t have much of a musical background.

Who have been your greatest inspirations musically and why?

My parents. All the greats from artists to producers; too many to name.

With that being said, how then would you describe and/or define the style of music that you create and perform?

I’m me. Very upfront. I’m an open book. I say what people are either afraid to say or don’t know how to say. I teach people to accept growth and change, while enjoying what they do.

What do you feel you offer the music industry that we don’t already have in other performers?

I’m the best from this generation. Also, one of the realest people you will meet. My outlook on things are ahead of others.

Have you encountered any problems in getting to this point in your career?

Of course, but I love challenges. But, that’s what makes you. I won’t break. I’mma only go up. I learned from all my mistakes.

What do you want people to get from your music?

Growth. Change. Honesty. Smile. Stand for som’n.

What has been your greatest achievement so far?

Raising my son and getting full custody of him. Working with DJ Premier, one of my favorite producers.

If you could collaborate with any one artist, living or dead, who would it be and why?

Jay-Z, just because of what he has accomplished and he is considered the greatest alive.

If you could play any venue in the world, which one would you choose and why?

Madison Square Garden — Home of the Knicks! That place is historic. I’m from New York City.

One track of yours that you think defines you and why?

“Forgiven.” It shows how honest I am about personal things. It shows that I will check people and admit my mistakes all in one; it’s real Hip-Hop!

Is there anything I left out, or just plain forgot to mention, that you would like to point out at this given time?

No. Just follow me on all my social media @SyAriDaKId and download my music on iTunes.

Any “parting” message(s) for our readers?


By: Todd Davis

About the Author

Publisher and CEO of The Hype Magazine. Follow me on Twitter @HypeJustJay

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