Get Summer Body Ready
For many years body types have changed and have often times been considered popular and equally the total opposite. This year, “Slim-Thick” (As Fabolous would say) is the desired body type; Thigh gaps, wide hips, thick thighs, slim waist and arms, and large breasts. I have found a few items that you can use at home to achieve this body type. I have also found a few things to achieve great skin, nails and hair. Below you will find my useful methods, try them out and inform me of what you have used and how you use it.
Hourglass Angel Amia Cincher: I found that wearing this reduces inches in the waist and helps eliminate over excessive eating. Within days I was on the second row of this cincher and have gotten nothing but compliments on my weight loss. I still eat the same. It may cause a little bruising after being worn constantly, however it is not painful and they go away very quickly. I have put this in the washing machine on hand wash and it has yet to come apart. This brand in particular is the best that I have used on my weight loss journey and will have you at the shape that you desire in no time.
It Works Ultimate Body Applicator: It works wraps are very useful in unwanted inches as well. They can be used on arms, legs, backs, etc. They have a funny smell but you only have to wear them for 45 minutes. I was told to drink so much water while using the wrap, based off of my body weight. And, you aren’t supposed to eat while wearing the wrap. I seen the inches disappear instantly after wrapping myself. I used saran wrap on top of the wrap to hold it in place but they now have fab wrap on the website to hold the applicator in place as well. When used with your cincher, you can expect twice the results and I’ve been told that this is the same method that most celebs use after child birth and unwanted weight gain.
Garcinia Cambogia: These pills are truly fat burners and keep your energy high. They have been know to be used by a plethora of famously amazing bodies and can be purchased in many places. I usually bid on a lot of them on one of my favorite sites.
Ladies, with these few products that I just put you onto, you can’t go wrong for the summer. You had better not skip those feet though. Stay tuned for my next story. It will be sure to please. It’s almost time for vacation and you’ve got to get on it today. Check out my result on Instagram @RealDajaMarie and @TheHypeMagazineNetwork. Send in photos with your results. I would love to see your progress as well!
Written By: Daja Marie