
Published on January 14th, 2021 | by Guest Editor


Wellness is More Than Just a Resolution: Effect Real Change with Dominic Effect App by Celebrity Trainer Dominic Anthony

Every year around this time, the resolutions to lose weight and get in shape start rolling in! However, with the pandemic, there is no time more obvious than now why it is truly important to stay mentally and physically healthy. When gyms closed for quarantine, celebrity trainer Dominic Anthony set out to create a mobile app- Dominic Effect- so that he could not only meet the needs of his clients but help as many people as possible during this difficult time.

The Dominic Effect App,  available on iPhone and Android, aims to make users feel their best both inside and out, with a focus on doing the internal work needed to meet your goals.  The app includes customized workout and meal plans, grocery lists, hundreds of recipes, cooking tips, meditations, and mindfulness coaching.

Dominic’s goal is to reach as many people as possible, while still providing personal care through smart devices. He personally curates all the meal and fitness plans which are 100% customized based on the criteria each user enters. All communication through the app and social media will be answered directly by Dominic as well!  In addition, the app will be offering weekly complimentary live events including guided meditations and workouts.

“I am extremely passionate about helping others; I always have been. There is no better feeling than seeing someone progress physically and mentally and witnessing the joy it can bring to their overall life. I have watched my clients manifest amazing careers, give childbirth, get married, and retire from their careers. Yes, my job is to help them get in the best shape of their life, but I am also there to be a friend and support system in whatever way they need.” shared Dominic Anthony.

The Dominic Effect App sets itself apart from other health and wellness programs because it contains what many others are missing: heart. Dominic aims to reach as many people as possible, providing personal care through smart devices. He will be creating all of the meal and fitness plans which are 100% customized based on the criteria each user enters. All communication through the app and social media will be answered directly by Dominic. In addition, the app will be offering weekly complimentary live events including guided meditations and workouts.

To get started, visit the landing page to check current special offers, sign up, and then download the app: Select the plan that is right for you including a workout or meal plan or both! Create an account, and select your nutrition goals, entering your preferences, including how you eat (vegan, meat, keto, etc.) The app collects all of the information needed, then Dominic and his team will review this data and create a customized meal or workout plan based on your needs. This includes a custom grocery list as well as recipes and how to cook the meals.  On the workout side, the user inputs stats like height and weight, selects body type, fitness goals, and level of fitness expertise and the app will curate a monthly workout plan. This will include the type of exercise to do, sets, and reps as well as video tutorials of Dominic guiding the user through the exercise to make sure the form is correct.

The app also includes meditations and mindset coaching! Dominic is a firm believer that a healthy mindset is key on your fitness journey to help overcome any roadblocks when it comes to fitness experience, health conditions, food choices, and more. Providing the user with the mental confidence they need on this journey is of paramount importance to success.

The best part? You will NOT be given the same workout plan month to month, as the app changes the suggested routine each round. The meal guide also updates frequently offering new grocery lists and recipes.

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