
Published on March 30th, 2021 | by Dr. Jerry Doby


3 Things You Might Not Think Would Be So Different Across the World

We all know there are lots of little differences between different countries all around the world. For example, when the British singer Adele released her song Chasing Pavements, many people across the world had to have a quick Google search to see what she was actually singing about. That’s because in many places around the world, including America, the word is never used as they call them sidewalks instead. While some might be small and insignificant like that, if you decide you want to go traveling around the world, some differences are a lot more important to know before you leave. Here are three of the everyday mundane things you’d be surprised to hear are so different across the world.


By bills, we’re not talking about those hundred dollar bills that certain artists like to flash in their music videos. We’re talking about those ones that nobody wants to see, the ones that we have to pay for things like our rent, our energy, and our phone. While everyone around the world is getting pretty much the exact same product, the cost of these products and services can differ vastly. For example, you probably don’t even think about the cost of water when you turn on a tap, take a shower or even flush a toilet. As this article by the website Utility Bidder shows, these costs can differ massively from country to country. This is because in some countries, water is less readily available, and providers might have to use more expensive processes to make sure every home has constant access to clean water. While some countries will allow you to shop around for water providers, some will force you to simply use the one closest to you.


One of the most important things to check before you go traveling is how the healthcare differs in whichever location you’re traveling to. If you live in the UK, you will have had the benefit of not having to pay for a single lifesaving treatment. The NHS will offer the essential treatment for free and won’t even charge you for prescriptions if you’re not earning enough money to be able to afford them. In places like the USA, this is vastly different. Operations can cost up to tens of thousands of dollars if you don’t have insurance, and you could even be forced to pay for something as simple as an ambulance ride. 


Another important thing to check before traveling is the laws for each country. One thing that might be legal in one country might get you into serious trouble in another. The laws can even change from state to state. For example, while cannabis is completely legal to buy and possess in some states, in others, you could get into serious trouble for being caught with some on your person or in your car. Some counties even ban things like alcohol in certain areas, so make sure you read the laws of the country thoroughly before you enter.

About the Author

Editor-in-Chief of The Hype Magazine, Media and SEO Consultant, Journalist, Ph.D. and retired combat vet. 2023 recipient of The President's Lifetime Achievement Award. Partner at THM Media Group. Member of the U.S. Department of Arts and Culture, the United States Press Agency and ForbesBLK.

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