
Published on July 6th, 2022 | by Paul Roberto


Interview With Celebrated Musician DJ Viggi – Talks Inspiration and New Music

We caught up with music Legend DJ Viggi to ask him how his life has changed since the pandemic and his new EP he just dropped for the summer.


Who is your target audience? In what way do you help/influence them?

Young crowd, adults, anyone who has good energy and likes to vibe off the music. I want to cater to young ears and work with top artists, but also be able to deliver a fire set that everyone can go hard too….

I feel like my music is already timeless and what inspires me as an Artist is to create music that lasts and can be appreciated worldwide.


What’s next for me?

“The sky is the limit” like Biggie Smalls said.

I want to curate the hottest playlists, record and produce with the best artists in the industry and stay on top as long as possible!

The journey back to the top has begun and I feel like I’m bringing some fresh new vibes that people will really resonate with.


Can you tell us why you think Musicians are less likely to survive when the Artist lacks passion?

You’d be less likely to survive if you arent doing anything solely from good intentions and positive vibes.

In anything you do in life, you do have to have some grit, some discipline and demand your worth.

Raise your value and always deliver a stupendous performance so you’re engaging the whole crowd each show.

Everything has to come from within and I am a firm believer in energy. If you arent fully committed, people can sense it and won’t want to exchange with any inauthentic energy.


Can you explain how your passion for what you do helped push your brand to the limelight?

Others have paved the way. I just have good energy, like to vibe and enjoy bringing that essence to any show and party I perform at!


Is there any tip(s) you have for people who are worried that their passions may not be profitable or cared for?

“Scared money don’t make money”

But also scared dreams never become reality.

You can’t be afraid of the road, you gotta make yourself uncomfortable and push along as much as you can, so you’re becoming a juggernaut.

And sometimes you have to run off of belief and hope, pursue your passion and I promise you the money will follow.


Have people ever referred to you as a self-made success?  In what way is that true or not true?

I’ve always been told that whatever I want to be done or anything that I put my mind too… I make happen!

I consider myself as a “life hack”

Once I get my mind set on something, it manifests itself into reality.

Also, that is true.

Some people are talkers and finessers…

I however classify myself as an individual in the select group of “Do’ers”


What does it take for someone to have the kind of success you have?

I’ve always said that in order for a human to be unlocked fully.

They must be broken, physically, spiritually, emotionally and mentally.

Past your breaking point… There, beyond your comfort is where you learn who you really are and what you are capable of achieving.


Stream some of my new songs on Spotify


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