Biz/Tech/NFTs Melanie Powers - Home Service Company

Published on March 13th, 2024 | by Dr. Jerry Doby


Empowering Homes, Empowering Women: The Story Behind One Woman-Led Home Service Company

The home service sector — an industry long dominated by men that encompasses HVAC, plumbing, and electrical services — is witnessing a transformative shift. At the forefront of this change is Melanie Powers, the president of Goodberlet Home Services

Powers is redefining the role of women in these trades while setting a new standard for how companies operate within this space. Under her leadership, Goodberlet has become a beacon of innovation and inclusivity, challenging the traditional gender dynamics of the home service industry.

Breaking industry barriers

In an industry where women have historically been underrepresented, Powers carved out a significant niche for herself within the home services sector. Her journey from an industry outsider to the president of Goodberlet Home Services is a testament to her resilience and serves as a blueprint for women aiming to break into non-traditional fields. 

Here are the practical strategies Powers implemented to overcome industry barriers, which can guide other women to similar success:

  • Continuous education and training: Powers invests in her professional development relentlessly, acquiring new certifications and attending training programs to expand her expertise in HVAC, plumbing, and electrical work.
  • Building a strong professional network: Understanding the value of connections, Powers actively seeks mentorship and meaningful relationships within the industry, leveraging these contacts for opportunities and advice.
  • Demonstrating leadership and expertise: By leading through example and maintaining high standards of service, Powers earned the respect of her peers and clients, showcasing the capabilities of women in her field.
  • Fostering an inclusive workplace culture: As president of Goodberlet, Powers implemented policies encouraging diversity, equity, and inclusion, making the company a welcoming place for women and other underrepresented groups.
  • Advocating for women in trades: Powers uses her platform to speak out about the challenges women face in the industry and to encourage more women to pursue careers in the trades.

Powers’s journey highlights the importance of resilience, continuous learning, and the power of leading by example. As more women follow in her footsteps, the home services industry and other traditionally male-dominated fields will continue to evolve to become more inclusive and diverse.

Empowering women customers and changing decision-making dynamics

Powers has keenly observed the shifting landscape of home decision-making, where an increasing number of women are taking the lead in managing home services. This demographic shift has prompted a strategic pivot in how the company interacts with its clientele, particularly focusing on the nuanced needs of female customers. 

Recognizing that women often undertake extensive research and place a high value on safety and empathy, Powers guided her team toward a more consultative approach. This method emphasizes listening and understanding over traditional, aggressive sales techniques, ensuring that conversations about services begin with questions about comfort, needs, and expectations.

Under Powers’s leadership, Goodberlet has become a model for customer engagement that prioritizes open dialogue and transparency. By providing potential clients with comprehensive information, the company empowers them to make decisions that best suit their households, without feeling pressured to commit immediately. This approach not only respects the consumer’s autonomy but also builds lasting trust and loyalty.

Moreover, the emphasis on safety and meticulous attention to detail during service calls reflects Powers’s broader commitment to creating a respectful and inclusive environment — both within and outside the company. By aligning Goodberlet’s values and practices with the priorities of female decision-makers, Powers enhances customer satisfaction while contributing to a cultural shift towards gender equity in traditionally male-dominated industries to create a more equitable and understanding future.

Fostering a supportive and empowering work environment

Creating a supportive and empowering work environment has been a cornerstone of Powers’ leadership at Goodberlet. Understanding the importance of inclusivity and diversity in fostering innovation and employee satisfaction, she has implemented several key initiatives aimed at making Goodberlet a community where everyone feels valued and supported.

Powers recognizes the balancing act many employees perform between their professional responsibilities and personal lives, so she has introduced flexible work arrangements, allowing team members to manage schedules around important life events and family commitments. This flexibility is a testament to her belief in the importance of work-life balance and her trust in her team’s commitment and productivity, regardless of the conventional work hours.

Additionally, Powers is a staunch advocate of equal pay for equal work, ensuring that all employees — regardless of gender or background — are compensated fairly based on their experience and contributions to the company. This policy is part of a broader commitment to equity and fairness that runs through every level of the organization.

Powers has also established opportunities for continuous learning and growth for her staff. By sponsoring trade school programs and apprenticeships, she not only enhances the skillset of her team but also demonstrates her commitment to their long-term success and satisfaction. These efforts have cultivated a workplace culture at Goodberlet that champions equality, education, and empowerment, setting a benchmark for other companies in the industry.

The impact of visionary leadership

The impact of Melanie Powers and Goodberlet Home Services extends far beyond the boundaries of their immediate business operations. Under Powers’ visionary leadership, the company has experienced remarkable growth, expanding its services and scaling its operations by over 600 percent. 

More significantly, however, is the cultural shift Powers has spearheaded within the traditionally male-dominated home services industry. By championing diversity, equity, and inclusion, she has reshaped her company’s internal culture while influencing the broader industry narrative around gender roles and opportunities for women in skilled trades.

Powers’ efforts have laid a foundation for a more inclusive and progressive sector, inspiring other women to explore careers in HVAC, plumbing, electrical work, and beyond. By demonstrating that women can lead and innovate in these fields, she has challenged long-standing stereotypes and opened doors for future generations of women tradespeople.

The legacy of Melanie Powers and Goodberlet Home Services is a testament to the power of vision, determination, and leadership in creating meaningful change. As the company continues to grow and evolve, its impact on empowering women within the industry and beyond remains a shining example of what is possible when barriers are broken and biases are challenged. Through their work, Powers and her team are building a more inclusive and equitable future for all.


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About the Author

Editor-in-Chief of The Hype Magazine, Media and SEO Consultant, Journalist, Ph.D. and retired combat vet. 2023 recipient of The President's Lifetime Achievement Award. Partner at THM Media Group. Member of the U.S. Department of Arts and Culture, the United States Press Agency and ForbesBLK.

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