Live Session with His Majesty Nana Amoako Yiadom Gyata
In this Live Session, I was honored to speak with His Majesty Nana Amoako Yiadom Gyata, Fihankrahene, Agogo Traditional Area, Asante Akim North; Nkuranhyekuromhene, Abibimam Nkuranhye Kurom, the Americas; and President – Ghana – USA Traditional & Cultural Council Diaspora.
His duties
We spoke about his journey to find his Ghanian lineage and discovering his line is royalty, ultimately resulting in him being enstooled (crowned) to take his rightful place among the proud traditions of Ghana society. Fully immersed in his new role, Nana Amoako is assigned to lead various important missions for the Diaspora, including within the jurisdiction of the United States Traditional & Cultural Council Diaspora. His duties are to acquaint and educate the Diaspora on the imperatives of Ghana and facilitate, as a diplomatic resource, the execution of initiatives that affect the community at large.
The Traditional & Cultural Council Diaspora mission
We exist for the edification, empowerment and upliftment, through means of the restoration with, and the embodiment of Akan culture, customs and traditions that exist amongst us as ‘One People and Family’ of the diaspora and upon the soil of Mother Ghana… Piawww!
Where it started
Nana Amoako had an adventure-filled life before getting back to his roots; born in Ghana, his life journey brought him to the United States as a child but took him all over the world in sensitive positions. This life of service has prepared him greatly for the responsibilities of the stool (throne) upon which he now sits.
I could certainly keep typing and giving my thoughts, but I think it’s better to hear directly from His Majesty himself as to what has been, what is now, and his forecasts for the future of reconnecting people of African heritage here in the States with their roots on the African Continent. Tune In!!!
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